Fading an LED.
Important terms that I discovered :
Resolution : the highest the resolution the smoother the fade is .
Trying out a simple fade: https://github.com/tigoe/LightProjects/blob/main/FadeCurves/SimpleFade/SimpleFade.ino
Trying the ICEI fade with a potentiometer
link to code by Tom Igoe: https://github.com/tigoe/LightProjects/blob/main/FadeCurves/SimpleFadeWithInput/SimpleFadeWithInput.ino
Observation of a candle :
Video :
Notes :
I was having trouble finding the blue in the candle light. I then noticed a tiny bit of blue in the base where it touched the base. It might be because the light was flickering because of the cold air. The white- warm light was more apparent to me.I also noticed that the tip of the flame was more orange.