
2/12/2022 / running tests

I tested the sensor with the Adafruit BME085 library but I wasn’t getting any readings

I installed the AdafruitBMP085 library instead and got readings using this example ( paste code here Anna )

from this blog

adafruitBMP085 pressure sensor .ino

Screen Shot 2022-12-02 at 9.42.36 PM.png

pressuresensor .MOV

calibration technique post


I want to map the readings I get from the sensorValue = bmp.readAltitude(102675);

 tests and potential calibration modes

tests and potential calibration modes

readings from testing it 1. floor level 2. on the desk 3. above the desk

readings from testing it 1. floor level 2. on the desk 3. above the desk

Then I decided to calibrate the sensor when :

  1. the sensor is on the minimum catching point aka floor level
  2. the sensor is at the highest catching point aka extended hands of the player above head..
