wed Oct 19 : I started sketching for my character at the same day… during applications….

I used my Remarkable 1 to sketch , I will include some of my drawings. I always wanted to create a character that I can easily alter using code.

My first though was to attempt to create a ghost / hybrid version of a ghost and a wolf… or a bat ? ( you can see my original sketch here )

ghostie inspiration .png

When I imported it to illustrator and tried to create it… whatever magical and sparkly that character had , got lost in the vectors…

Asset 4@8x.png

You will notice that Batia has a shadow that follow her, she has ho hands and no body …

Asset 4@8x.png

Asset 3@8x.png

Instead of an adorable little ghost I now had an angry, persona with bad manners. …

so I decided to work with what I could get from this little bat….

Name : Battie or Batia

Age : 23

pronouns : Batia uses all pronouns

Personality : Diva, fighter , competitive , sweet potato, no sense of humor , spends most of days in her thoughts

Profession : fights for justice ****

favorite color : raspberry pi, lavender

favorite smell : mist of NYC

favorite sound : airplanes taking off ,police sirens

favorite snack : spicy mango chips

skills : really good at spinning and landing on things,

hobbies : knitting , pillow fighting ,

currently: looking for a new apartment

fun facts about her :

Her mother comes from the panda bat tribe and her father from the honey ghost tribe.

Her nose lights up if she is happy .

things you don’t know about her :

She hates : KOI fish , gold fish tribe of bats, the humor of bees