assignment : make a flashlight !

Storyline :

I was very excited to be making again! My first step was to visit the junk pile and see if I could find something interesting. I was able to find a thin holographic vinyl sheet and a couple of other things.

Since during this week’s class we were encouraged to think of our grandmother, I was headed to the 2nd floor cafeteria to brainstorm and I FaceTimed my grandparents . (Giagia Anna & Pappous Nikos). My grandma particularly loves small container boxes. It’s a thing between me and her… We collect the most interesting ones especially when traveling. So I am making a container type lamp/ flashlight….

I wanted to attach the sketches that I made in the cafeteria that reflected what I had in mind that day and to compare them with my final creation .

What I had in mind in class, how I wanted to approach this week’s assignment

What I had in mind in class, how I wanted to approach this week’s assignment

Z-brush on the iPad pro. I was thinking that I want to experiment with resin.

Z-brush on the iPad pro. I was thinking that I want to experiment with resin.

Inspiration :

Steps followed :

  1. Face time with grandma :
  2. Collect materials
  3. Make sketches
  4. Figure out the constructional details , holes, movement.