Boston, Cambridge 2024
Since I was in Boston for a hackathon at MIT. I payed the art list museum a visit to see the exhibition of Sophie Friedman-Pappas and TJ Shin.
The exhibition was in a small room and featured 2 projecting installations and the display of different art works in what I found was a really interesting construction in terms of user interaction design.
The first projection was by Sophie Pappas and was made out of “readily” available materials.
With less light in the room it would have been more captivating. I think the simplicity and analogic feel of this piece was quite strong - but it was hard to see what was written in the wall.
The area with the poster-trees was interesting since it featured an other way to experience these art pieces with your body and you were free to rotate them atound the metallic poles.
Thematically speaking, I was a little dissapointed on the content. From the poster it seemed quite promising but after walking out of the room I felt they could have done a better job explaining the