What stories could an interactive AR doll house create?

This is a research project on the how stories can be created in Augmented reality. How can people play in any physical space all around the world.

scan to play

scan to play

check previous blogposts to see how I developed the character

Story behind this project :

the polly pocket house



Behind the scenes :

  1. Adobe Illustrator: A] create the character B] create the background / rooms

Scene - Blank (Illustrator) 2.192.png

Screen Shot 2022-11-07 at 11.28.14 AM.png

I made the house as cutouts , to try and imitate depth

  1. Adobe CHARACTER

exporting as artboards

exporting as artboards

layers for rigging

layers for rigging

Adobe Character trying to record animations

Adobe Character trying to record animations

Scene - Blank (Illustrator) 2.192.png

  1. Adobe Aero

adobe aero

adobe aero


aero_recording 3.MP4

Playtesting .

Interactions :

  1. tap the character to move into a room ,
  2. clouds looping around
  3. tap the box

I am working on recording animations for the character and importing them to AERO . The participants can tap and play by placing the character into different rooms .

Future plans :

Because this project had to be using 2D assets, I am really curious to test it and see how people will interact if it was a 3D graphics and or included physical cut outs and